Voodoo Rush Reference Drivers    

What's new:

Apr 08 2000 New Device3Dfx release the has will work on systems with MTTRs (Pentium, K6).
Tue Jan 4 2000 Updated Device3Dfx (2.3-4) for better builds on SMP systems.
Mon Dec 6 1999 Initial Launch of linux.3dfx.com

NOTE: These drivers are intended only for Voodoo Rush based cards they will NOT work on Voodoo Banshee, Voodoo3, Voodoo Graphics or Voodoo2 based Graphics cards.

System Requirements:

  • A working install of Linux based on the 2.2.x Linux kernel.
  • Your Linux kernel must support loadable modules in order to make use of the 3dfx Device Driver.
  • A Voodoo Rush accelerator.

What's Included:

  • 3dfx Device Driver
    • The 3dfx device driver for /dev/3dfx allows Glide applications to run without root privileges. This package is distributed as a source RPM only, as it must be compiled for your specific kernel version. You must have development tools installed on your system to create the module. Note that no changes to existing applications are required to use this driver.
  • Glide2x and Glide3x
    • Glide is 3dfx's low level rasterization API. Mesa3D makes use of Glide2x in order to accelerate rendering in OpenGL API programs.
    • Glide3x is a newer release of the Glide API with enhancements for newer hardware features. It is not source compatible with Glide2x.
  • An X Server for XFree86 3.3.2
    • The X Server is the 2D graphics driver. However the Voodoo Rush driver has been shipping with the standard XFree86 distribution since version 3.3.3 so most likely the distribution of XFree86 that shipped with your Linux distribution will have more up to date drivers than the one's available here.
  • Rushlibs
    • The Rushlibs are an X extension that help to coordinate between Glide and X.
Before You Begin:
  • You'll need to know a few things about your system in order to choose the right driver packages.
  • Glibc version
    • execute the following command and see what version you have
      ls /lib/ld*
      and read the version number from the file listed.
    • If you've installed your own version of glibc then you should know what version it is.
  • XFree86 Version
    • If you are running X, execute this command:
      xdpyinfo | grep vendor
    • Look at the line that says "vendor release number: XXXX" The more traditional form of the number has decimal points so think of the number as something like 3.3.2 If you have a version newer than 3.3.2 then you should already have support for Voodoo Rush and you do not need to install new drivers.
Keep in Mind: There are a few things you need to keep in mind when using the X server :
  • You need to run as root or use the device driver (/dev/3dfx)
  • You need to run your X server at a color depth of 16 bpp.
  • To keep memory available for 3D, you probably want to limit your highest window/virtual resolution to 1024x768.
  • For each fullscreen 3D resolution you want to use you must define an X resolution of the same size.
  • Most new Linux distributions come with an X server for Voodoo Rush.

Installation with RPM:

  1. Become root
  2. If you need to install the provided 2D X Server:
    1. Download these files:
    2. Install the above packages following commands:
      rpm -Uvh XFree86-Rush-SVGA-3.3.2-1.i386.rpm
      rpm -Uvh XFree86_Rush-libs-3.3.2-1.i386.rpm
  3. This concludes the installation of the 2D display drivers. Do not continue with the 3D driver installation until the 2D driver is properly configured.
  4. To configure the fullscreen 3D driver
    1. Choose the appropriate packages based on you system's C library.

      Glibc Version glibc2.1 glibc2.0 libc5
      Device_Driver Device3Dfx-2.3-5.src.rpm Device3Dfx-2.3-5.src.rpm Device3Dfx-2.3-5.src.rpm
      Glide2x_Package Glide_VR-2.46-4.i386.rpm Glide_VR-2.46-3.i386.glibc2.0.rpm Glide_VR-2.46-3.i386.libc5.rpm

    2. Execute this command to build the 3dfx device driver:
      rpm --rebuild Device3Dfx-2.3-4.src.rpm

    3. This commands has been known to fail on Mandrake Linux 6.1.
    4. RPM will place the resulting binary package in your RPM tree. The location of your RPM tree depends on your distribution. 
  5. Install the resulting binary package using the location of your RPM tree found in the previous step:
    rpm -Uvh RPM_PATH/RPMS/i386/Device3Dfx-2.3-4.i386.rpm
  6. Install the glide package that you downloaded previously. Use the following commands using the names of the packages you downloaded in step 1:
    rpm -Uvh Glide2x_Package
  7. If you had previously installed an older version of the Device3Dfx module you will need to unload it or reboot. If you are unsure of what to do then reboot your system with the following command:
    shutdown -r now
  8. Now you need to test the configuration. Do not skip this step If you can't run this simple test, no games will functions.
    Execute the following command:
    1. /usr/local/glide/bin/test3Dfx
      You should see a soothing blue screen with the text "press a key to quit" in the upper left.
    2. You should consider running this test as a non-root user as well.